Autocad Keyboard Shortcuts

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Autocad keyboard shortcuts customAutocad

Keyboard shortcuts help you do navigate AutoCAD much quicker than clicking with the mouse. Get to know these commands to speed up your productivity. Print up this chart of keyboard shortcuts for AutoCAD 2018. We can save you more time by converting PDF plans to DWG AutoCAD files. From there, you can simply edit in AutoCAD. Contact us for a free quote.

AutoCAD command shortcuts list for you. Here is a list of most used AutoCAD shortcuts for the comman command to speed up your drawing project works. You should learn AutoCAD hotkeys and commands with the AutoCAD Shortcut Keyboard guide to help you work faster and be more efficient while using AutoCAD software.


Send over your PDF plan to have it converted to fully layered vector CAD file.

For more shortcuts, visit the AutoCAD website.

Autocad Keyboard Shortcuts In Commands

Today I will show you how to find your Keyboard Shortcut keys in AutoCAD.

Autocad Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working

  1. AutoCad 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts Mechanical Engineering Blog 4 ARM ACTUSERMESSAGE / Inserts a user message into an action macro. ARU ACTUSERINPUT / Pauses for user input in an action macro. ARS ACTSTOP / Stops the Action Recorder and provides the option of saving the recorded actions to an action macro file.
  2. AutoCad 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts: Keys: ALT+F8: VBA Run: ALT+F11: VBA Editor: CTRL+1: Properties Palette: CTRL+2: DesignCenter Palette: CTRL+3: Tool Palette: CTRL+4: Sheet Set Manager Palette: CTRL+5: Info Palette: CTRL+6: DBConnect Manager: CTRL+7: Markup Set Manager Palette: CTRL+A: Selects objects in drawing: CTRL+B: Toggles Snap.
  1. Step 2:

    To open a manager when you can see all the keys go to Manage--->User Interface.

  2. Step 4:

    You can change the key shortcuts for your preferences,just be careful not to type already existing one.Here I changed my Save command to CTRL+P,on default is like I said CTRL+S,you need to type keys in the bottom window.


    Karajko CAD