3u Tools Port Staus Error

  1. Port Status Verizon
  2. 3u Tools Port Status Error 403
  3. 3u Tools Port Status Error 503
  4. 3u Tools Port Status Error 1007
  5. Port Status At&t
  6. Sprint Port Status

Connecting transceivers to fixed-configuration devices

If the switch either fails to show a link between an installed transceiver and another device or demonstrates errors or other unexpected behavior on the link, check the port configuration on both devices for a speed and/or duplex (mode) mismatch.

A switch port status screen - CONSOLE - MANAGER MODE - Status and Counters - Port Status Intrusion MDI Flow Bcast Port Type Alert Enabled Status Mode Mode Ctrl Limit - - - - - - - - - 1 100/1000T No Yes Down 100FDx Auto off 0 2 100/1000T No Yes Down 1000FDx Auto off 0 3 100/1000T No Yes Down 1000FDx Auto off 0 4 100/1000T No Yes Down 1000FDx Auto. The open port checker tool allows you to check port status of your external IP address or any IP address you have entered and scan open ports on your connection. This tool is extremely useful to find out if your port forwarding is setup correct or if your server applications are blocked or not by a firewall.

  • To check the mode setting for a port on the switch, use either the Port Status screen in the menu interface or show interfaces brief in the CLI (see Viewing port status and configuration (CLI)).

  • To display information about the transceivers installed on a switch, enter the show tech receivers command in the CLI (The show tech transceivers command).

Welcome to 3uTools forum. Here you can find all information about iOS and 3uTools. Skip to content. Hello, if your iPhone 6 is stucked on 19% in 3u tools and getting error 4013 in itunes. Its hardware issue, i.e NAND CHIP (hard drive) Remove Logic Board, then Remove Hard Drive from the board and get it programmed. Replace Hard Drive back to logic Board and flash your iPhone 6. Jan 14, 2020 In addition to checking port availability, the tool performs protocol-specific requests to obtain the status of services. For example, using the following command you can check the availability of RPC endpoint mapper service (TCP/135) and get the list of names of RPC endpoints registered on the computer (including their names, UUID, the address.

Status and parameters for each port type

Status or parameter



Yes (default): The port is ready for a network connection.

No: The port will not operate, even if properly connected in a network. Use this setting, For example, if the port needs to be shut down for diagnostic purposes or while you are making topology changes.

Status (read-only)

Up: The port senses a link beat.

Down: The port is not enabled, has no cables connected, or is experiencing a network error. For troubleshooting information, see the Installation and Getting Started Guide you received with the switch. See also to Appendix C, 'Troubleshooting' (in this manual).


The port's speed and duplex (data transfer operation) setting.

10/100/1000Base-T Ports:

  • Auto-MDIX (default): Senses speed and negotiates with the port at the other end of the link for port operation (MDI-X or MDI).

    To see what the switch negotiates for the auto setting, use theCLI show interfaces brief command or the 3. Port Status option under 1. Status and Counters in the menu interface.

  • MDI: Sets the port to connect with a PC using a crossover cable (manual mode—applies only to copper port switches using twisted-pair copper Ethernet cables)

  • MDIX: Sets the port to connect with a PC using a straight-through cable (manual mode—applies only to copper port switches using twisted-pair copper Ethernet cables)

  • Auto-10: Allows the port to negotiate between half-duplex (HDx) and full-duplex (FDx) while keeping speed at 10 Mbps. Also negotiates flow control (enabled or disabled). HP recommends auto-10 for links between 10/100 auto-sensing ports connected with Cat 3 cabling. (Cat 5 cabling is required for 100 Mbps links.).

  • 10HDx:10 Mbps, half-duplex

  • 10FDx: 10 Mbps, full-duplex

  • Auto-100: Uses 100 Mbps and negotiates with the port at the other end of the link for other port operation features.

  • Auto-10-100: Allows the port to establish a link with the port at the other end at either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, using the highest mutual speed and duplex mode available. Only these speeds are allowed with this setting.

  • Auto-1000: Uses 1000 Mbps and negotiates with the port at the other end of the link for other port operation features.

  • 100Hdx: Uses 100 Mbps, half-duplex.

  • 100Fdx: Uses 100 Mbps, full-duplex

Gigabit Fiber-Optic Ports (Gigabit-SX, Gigabit-LX, and Gigabit-LH):

  • 1000FDx: 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps), full-duplex only

  • Auto (default): The port operates at 1000FDx and auto-negotiates flow control with the device connected to the port.

Gigabit Copper Ports:

  • 1000FDx: 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps), full-duplex only

  • Auto (default): The port operates at 1000FDx and auto-negotiates flow control with the device connected to the port.

10-Gigabit CX4 Copper Ports:

  • Auto: The port operates at 10 gigabits FDx and negotiates flow control. Lower speed settings or half-duplex are not allowed.

10-Gigabit SC Fiber-Optic Ports (10-GbE SR, 10-GbE LR, 10-GbE ER):

  • Auto: The port operates at 10 gigabits FDx and negotiates flow control. Lower speed settings or half-duplex are not allowed.

NOTE: Conditioning patch cord cables are not supported on 10-GbE.


The switch supports Auto-MDIX on 10Mb, 100Mb, and 1 Gb T/TX (copper) ports. (Fiber ports and 10-gigabit ports do not use this feature.)

  • Automdix: Configures the port for automatic detection of the cable type (straight-through or crossover).

  • MDI: Configures the port to connect to a switch, hub, or other MDI-X device with a straight-through cable.

  • MDIX: Configures the port to connect to a PC or other MDI device with a straight-through cable.

Flow control

  • Disabled (default): The port does not generate flow control packets, and drops any flow control packets it receives.

  • Enabled: The port uses 802.3x link layer flow control, generates flow-control packets, and processes received flow-control packets.

With the port mode set to Auto (the default) and flow control enabled, the switch negotiates flow control on the indicated port. If the port mode is not set to Auto, or if flow control is disabled on the port, flow control is not used. Note that flow control must be enabled on both ends of a link.

Broadcast limit

Specifies the percentage of the theoretical maximum network bandwidth that can be used for broadcast traffic. Any broadcast traffic exceeding that limit will be dropped. Zero (0) means the feature is disabled.

The broadcast-limit command operates at the port context level to set the broadcast limit for a port on the switch.

NOTE: This feature is not appropriate for networks that require high levels of IPX or RIP broadcast traffic.

The menu interface displays the configuration for ports and (if configured) any trunk groups.

From the Main Menu, select:

1. Status and Counters

4. Port Status

The menu interface uses the same screen for configuring both individual ports and port trunk groups. For information on port trunk groups, see the chapter on 'Port Trunking'.

  1. From the Main Menu, select:

    2. Switch Configuration…

    Port/trunk settings with a trunk group configured

  2. Press [E] (for Edit).

    The cursor moves to the Enabled field for the first port.

    For further information on configuration options for these features, see the online help provided with this screen.

  3. When you have finished making changes to the above parameters, press [Enter], then press [S] (for Save).

Use the following commands to display port status and configuration data.



Lists the current operating status for all ports on the switch.


Lists a subset of configuration data for all ports on the switch; that is, for each port, the display shows whether the port is enabled, the operating mode, and whether it is configured for flow control.


Shows a summary of network traffic handled by the specified ports.

The show interfaces config command listing

Dynamically updating the show interfaces command (CLI/Menu)


Uses the display option to initiate the dynamic update of the show interfaces command, with the output being the same as the show interfaces command.

NOTE: Select Back to exit the display.


When using the display option in the CLI, the information stays on the screen and is updated every 3 seconds, as occurs with the display using the menu feature. The update is terminated with Cntl-C.

You can use the arrow keys to scroll through the screen when the output does not fit in one screen.

show interfaces display command with dynamically updating output

You can create show commands displaying the information that you want to see in any order you want by using the custom option.


Select the information that you want to display. Supported columns are shown in Supported columns, what they display, and examples:.

Supported columns, what they display, and examples:

Parameter column




Port identifier



Port type



Port status

up or down


Connection speed and duplex



Configured mode

auto, auto-100, 100FDX


MDI mode

auto, MDIX


Flow control

on or off


Friendly port name


The vlan id this port belongs to, or 'tagged' if it belongs to more than one vlan




port is or is not enabled

yes or no



Intrusion alert status



Broadcast limit


You can specify the column width by entering a colon after the column name, then indicating the number of characters to display. In The custom show interfaces command, the Name column displays only the first four characters of the name. All remaining characters are truncated.

NOTE: Each field has a fixed minimum width to be displayed. If you specify a field width smaller than the minimum width, the information is displayed at the minimum width. For example, if the minimum width for the Name field is 4 characters and you specify Name:2, the Name field displays 4 characters.

You can enter parameters in any order. There is a limit of 80 characters per line; if you exceed this limit an error displays.

For information on error messages associated with this command and for notes about pattern matching with this command, see Error messages associated with the show interfaces command.

Error messages associated with the show interfaces command


Error message

Requesting too many fields (total characters exceeds 80)

Total length of selected data exceeds one line

L.a. noire download crack. Field name is misspelled

Invalid input: <input>

Mistake in specifying the port list

Module not present for port or invalid port: <input>

The port list is not specified

Incomplete input: custom

Note on using pattern matching with the show interfaces custom command

If you have included a pattern matching command to search for a field in the output of the show int custom command, and the show int custom command produces an error, the error message may not be visible and the output is empty. For example, if you enter a command that produces an error (such as vlan is misspelled) with the pattern matching include option, the output may be empty:

It is advisable to try the show int custom command first to ensure there is output, and then enter the command again with the pattern matching option.

Note that in the above command, you can substitute int for interface; that is: show int custom.

Use the show interface port-utilization command to view a real-time rate display for all ports on the switch. A show interface port-utilization command listing shows a sample output from this command.

A show interface port-utilization command listing

Operating notes for viewing port utilization statistics

  • For each port on the switch, the command provides a real-time display of the rate at which data is received (Rx) and transmitted (Tx) in terms of kilobits per second (KBits/s), number of packets per second (Pkts/s), and utilization (Util) expressed as a percentage of the total bandwidth available.

  • The show interfaces <port-list> command can be used to display the current link status and the port rate average over a 5 minute period. Port rates are shown in bits per second (bps) for ports up to 1 Gigabit; for 10 Gigabit ports, port rates are shown in kilobits per second (Kbps).

The show interfaces transceivers command allows you to:

  • Remotely identify transceiver type and revision number without having to physically remove an installed transceiver from its slot.

  • Display real-timestatus information about all installed transceivers, including non-operational transceivers.

The show tech transceivers command shows sample output from the show tech transceivers command.

NOTE: Part # column in The show tech transceivers command enables you to determine the manufacturer for a specified transceiver and revision number.

The show tech transceivers command

  • The following information is displayed for each installed transceiver:

    • Port number on which transceiver is installed.

    • Type of transceiver.

    • Product number — Includes revision letter, such as A, B, or C. If no revision letter follows a product number, this means that no revision is available for the transceiver.

    • Part number — Allows you to determine the manufacturer for a specified transceiver and revision number.

  • For a non-HP switches installed transceiver (see line 23 The show tech transceivers command), no transceiver type, product number, or part information is displayed. In the Serial Number field, non-operational is displayed instead of a serial number.

  • The following error messages may be displayed for a non-operational transceiver:

Enabling or disabling ports and configuring port mode (CLI)

You can configure one or more of the following port parameters.

See Status and parameters for each port type.


Disables or enables the port for network traffic. Does not use the no form of the command. (Default: enable.)

speed-duplex [<auto-10 10-full 10-half 100-full 100-half auto auto-100 1000-full>]

Note that in the above Syntax:, you can substitute int for interface (for example, int <port-list>).

Specifies the port's data transfer speed and mode. Does not use the no form of the command. (Default: auto.)

The 10/100 auto-negotiation feature allows a port to establish a link with a port at the other end at either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, using the highest mutual speed and duplex mode available. Only these speeds are allowed with this setting.


To configure port C5 for auto-10-100, enter this command:

To configure ports C1 through C3 and port C6 for 100Mbps full-duplex, enter these commands:

Similarly, to configure a single port with the above command settings, you could either enter the same command with only the one port identified or go to the context level for that port and then enter the command. For example, to enter the context level for port C6 and then configure that port for 100FDx:

Port Status Verizon

If port C8 was disabled, and you wanted to enable it and configure it for 100FDx with flow-control active, you could do so with either of the following command sets:

Two methods for changing a port configuration

For more on flow control, see Enabling or disabling flow control (CLI).

NOTE: You must enable flow control on both ports in a given link. Otherwise, flow control does not operate on the link and appears as Off in the show interfaces brief port listing, even if flow control is configured as enabled on the port in the switch. (See The show interfaces brief command listing.) Also, the port (speed-duplex) mode must be set to Auto (the default).

To disable flow control on some ports, while leaving it enabled on other ports, just disable it on the individual ports you want to exclude.

3u Tools Port Status Error 403

(You can find more information on flow control in Status and parameters for each port type.)


Enables or disables flow control packets on the port. The no form of the command disables flow control on the individual ports. (Default: Disabled.)


Suppose that:

  1. You want to enable flow control on ports A1-A6.

  2. Later, you decide to disable flow control on ports A5 and A6.

  3. As a final step, you want to disable flow control on all ports.

Assuming that flow control is currently disabled on the switch, you would use these commands:

Continued from Configuring flow control for a series of ports

A LAN broadcast storm arises when an excessively high rate of broadcast packets flood the LAN. Occurrence of LAN broadcast storm disrupts traffic and degrades network performance. To prevent LAN traffic from being disrupted, an enhancement of fault-finder commands adds new options, and the corresponding MIBs, that trigger a port disablement when a broadcast storm is detected on that port.

Under this enhancement, the CLI commands given only supports broadcast traffic and not multicast and unicast types of traffic.

The waiting period range for re-enabling ports is 0 to 604800 seconds. The default waiting period to re-enable a port is zero which prevents the port from automatic re-enabling.

NOTE: Avoid port flapping when choosing the waiting period by considering the time to re-enable carefully.

Use the following commands to configure the broadcast-storm on a port.


[no]fault-finder broadcast-storm [ethernet] <port-list> action [warn warn-and-disable <seconds>] [percent <percent> pps <rate>]

To remove the current configuration of broadcast-storm on a port, use:


no fault-finder broadcast-storm [ethernet] <port-list>


Configure broadcast storm control.


Rising threshold level in number of broadcast packets per second.


Rising threshold level as a percentage of bandwidth of the port. The percentage is calculated on 64 byte packet size.


Log the event only.


Log the event and disable the port.


Re-enable the port after waiting for the specified number of seconds. Default is not to re-enable.

Configuration examples:

Use the following command to display the broadcast-storm-control configuration.


show fault-finder broadcast-storm [[ethernet] port-list]

PortBcast StormPort StatusRising ThresholdActionDisable TimerDisable Timer Left
PortBcast StormPort StatusRising ThresholdActionDisable TimerDisable Timer Left
A1YesDown200 ppswarn-and-disable109
PortBcast StormPort StatusRising ThresholdActionDisable TimerDisable Timer Left
PortBcast StormPort StatusRising ThresholdActionDisable TimerDisable Timer Left

SNMP support will be provided through the following MIB objects:

hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER

:: = { hpicfFaultFinder 5 }

hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE

  • syntax sequence: HpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry

  • max-access: not-accessible

  • status: current

  • description: This table provides information about broadcast storm control configuration of all ports.

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfig 1}

hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE

  • syntax HpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry

  • max-access: not-accessible

  • status: current

  • description: This object provides information about broadcast storm control configuration of each port.

  • index: {hpicfffbcaststormcontrolportindex}

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigTable 1}

hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry ::=Acronis true image 2014 serial key.

  • Syntax sequence:

    hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortIndex InterfaceIndex,

    hpicfFfBcastStormControlMode Integer,

    hpicfFfBcastStormControlRisingpercent Integer32,

    hpicfFfBcastStormControlRisingpps Integer32,

    hpicfFfBcastStormControlAction Integer,

    hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortDisableTimer Unsigned32

hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE

  • Syntax: Interfaceindex

  • max-access: not-accessible

  • status: current

  • description: The Index Value Which Uniquely Identifies A Row In The Interfaces Table.

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry 1}

hpicfFfBcastStormControlMode OBJECT-TYPE

  • Syntax Integer: disabled(1), Bcastrisinglevelpercent(2), Bcastrisinglevelpps(3)

  • max-access: read-write

  • status: current

  • description: The broadcast storm control mode of a port. A value of disable (1) indicates that no rising threshold value is set for broadcast storm traffic on this port. A value of bcastrisinglevelpercent (2) indicates that the rising threshold rate for broadcast storm traffic is configured in percentage of port bandwidth. A value of bcastrisinglevelpps (3) indicates that the rising threshold rate for broadcast storm traffic is configured in packets per second.

  • DEFVAL: disabled

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry 2}

hpicfFfBcastStormControlRisingpercent OBJECT-TYPE

  • Syntax Integer32 (1.100)

  • max-access: read-write

  • status: current

  • description: This Is The Rising Threshold Level in percent of bandwidth of the port. hpicfFfBcastStormControlAction occurs when broadcast traffic reaches this level.

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry 3}

hpicfFfBcastStormControlRisingpps OBJECT-TYPE

  • Syntax Integer32 (1.10000000)

  • max-access: read-write

  • status: current

  • description: This object indicates the rising threshold for broadcast storm control. This value is in packets-per-second of received broadcast traffic. hpicfffbcaststormcontrolaction object takes action when broadcast traffic reaches this level.

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry 4}

hpicfFfBcastStormControlAction OBJECT-TYPE

  • Syntax integer: none(1), warn(2), warnanddisable(3)

  • max-access: read-write

  • status: current

  • Description: This object defines the action taken by the switch when a broadcast storm occurs on a port. A value of none (1) indicates that no action is performed. A value of warn (2) indicates that an event is logged when broadcast traffic crosses the threshold value set on that port. A value of warn-and-disable (3) indicates that the port is disabled and an event is logged as soon as the broadcast traffic reaches the threshold value set on that port.

  • DEFVAL: none

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry 5}

hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortDisableTimer OBJECT-TYPE

  • Syntax Unsigned32 (0.604800)

  • Units: seconds

  • max-access: read-write

  • status: current

  • Description: This object specifies the time period for which the port remains in disabled state. A port is disabled when broadcast traffic reaches the threshold value set on that port. This time period is specified in seconds. The default value is zero which means that the port remains disabled and is not enabled again.

  • DEFVAL {0}

    ::= {hpicfFfBcastStormControlPortConfigEntry 6}

Copper ports on the switch can automatically detect the type of cable configuration (MDI or MDI-X) on a connected device and adjust to operate appropriately.

This means you can use a 'straight-through' twisted-pair cable or a 'crossover' twisted-pair cable for any of the connections—the port makes the necessary adjustments to accommodate either one for correct operation. The following port types on your switch support the IEEE 802.3ab standard, which includes the 'Auto MDI/MDI-X' feature:

  • 10/100-TX xl module ports

  • 100/1000-T xl module ports

  • 10/100/1000-T xl module ports

Using the above ports:

  • If you connect a copper port using a straight-through cable on a switch to a port on another switch or hub that uses MDI-X ports, the switch port automatically operates as an MDI port.

  • If you connect a copper port using a straight-through cable on a switch to a port on an end node—such as a server or PC—that uses MDI ports, the switch port automatically operates as an MDI-X port.

Auto-MDIX was developed for auto-negotiating devices, and was shared with the IEEE for the development of the IEEE 802.3ab standard. Auto-MDIX and the IEEE 802.3ab Auto MDI/MID-X feature are completely compatible. Additionally, Auto-MDIX supports operation in forced speed and duplex modes.

For more information on this subject, see the IEEE 802.3ab Standard Reference. For more information on MDI-X, see the Installation and Getting Started Guide for your switch.

If you require control over the MDI/MDI-X feature, you can set the switch to either of these non-default modes:

  • Manual MDI

  • Manual MDI-X

Cable types for auto and manual MDI/MDI-X settings shows the cabling requirements for the MDI/MDI-X settings.

Cable types for auto and manual MDI/MDI-X settings


MDI/MDI-X device type

PC or other MDI device type

Switch, hub, or other MDI-X device

Manual MDI

Crossover cable

Straight-through cable

Manual MDI-X

Straight-through cable

Crossover cable

Auto-MDI-X (the default)

Either crossover or straight-through cable

The AutoMDIX features apply only to copper port switches using twisted-pair copper Ethernet cables.

The auto-MDIX features apply only to copper port switches using twisted-pair copper Ethernet cables. For information about auto-MDIX, see Configuring auto-MDIX.


interface <port-list> mdix-mode <auto-mdixmdimdix>


The automatic,default setting. This configures the port for automatic detection of the cable (either straight-through or crossover).


The manual mode setting that configures the port for connecting to either a PC or other MDI device with a crossover cable, or to a switch, hub, or other MDI-X device with a straight-through cable.


The manual mode setting that configures the port for connecting to either a switch, hub, or other MDI-X device with a crossover cable, or to a PC or other MDI device with a straight-through cable.


Lists the current per-port Auto/MDI/MDI-X configuration.

  • Where a port is linked to another device, this command lists the MDI mode the port is currently using.

  • In the case of ports configured for Auto ( auto-mdix), the MDI mode appears as either MDI or MDIX, depending upon which option the port has negotiated with the device on the other end of the link.

  • In the case of ports configured for MDI or MDIX, the mode listed in this display matches the configured setting.

  • If the link to another device was up, but has gone down, this command shows the last operating MDI mode the port was using.

  • If a port on a given switch has not detected a link to another device since the last reboot, this command lists the MDI mode to which the port is currently configured.

The show interfaces config displays the following data when port A1 is configured for auto-mdix, port A2 is configured for mdi, and port A3 is configured for mdix:

Displaying the current MDI operating mode

The Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) package has many debugging tools available as part of the standard release. This article describes the use of those tools to troubleshoot the hardware and firmware of an InfiniBand fabric deployment.
First, the /sys/class sub-system should be checked to verify that the hardware is up and connected to the InfiniBand fabric. The following command will show the InfiniBand hardware modules recognized by the system:

ls /sys/class/infiniband

This example will use the module mlx4_0, which is typical for Mellanox ConnectX* series of adapters. If this, or a similar module, is not found, refer to the documentation that came with the OFED package on starting the OpenIB drivers.
Next, check the state of the InfiniBand port:

cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/state

This command should return “ACTIVE” if the hardware is initialized, and the subnet manager has found the port and added the port to the InfiniBand fabric. If this command returns “INIT” the hardware is initialized, but the subnet manager has not added the port to the fabric yet.
If necessary, start the subnet manager

/etc/init.d/opensmd start

Once the port on the head node is in the “ACTIVE” state, check the state of the InfiniBand port on all the compute nodes to ensure that all of the Infiniband hardware on the compute nodes has been initialized, and the subnet manager has added all of the compute nodes ports on to the fabric. This article will use the pdsh tool to run the command on all nodes:

pdsh –a cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/state

3u Tools Port Status Error 503

All nodes should report “ACTIVE”. If a node reports it cannot find the file, ensure the OpenIB drivers is loaded on that node. Refer to the documentation that came with the OFED package on starting the OpenIB drivers.
Once all of the compute nodes report that port 1 is “ACTIVE”, verify the speed on each port using the following commands:

cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/rate
pdsh –a cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/rate

This is a good first check for a bad cable or connection. Each port should report the same speed. For example, the output for double data rate (DDR) InfiniBand cards will be similar to “20 Gb/sec (4X DDR)”.
Once the above basic checks are complete, more in-depth troubleshooting can be performed. The main OFED tool for troubleshooting performance and connection problems is ibdiagnet. This tool runs multiple tests, as specified on the command line during the run, to detect errors related to the subnet, bad packets, and bad states. These errors are some of the more common seen during initial setup of Infiniband fabrics.
Run ibdiagnet with the following command line options:

ibdiagnet –pc –c 1000

The output will be similar to this:

Loading IBDIAGNET from: /usr/lib64/ibdiagnet1.2
-W- Topology file is not specified.
Reports regarding cluster links will use direct routes.
Loading IBDM from: /usr/lib64/ibdm1.2
-W- A few ports of local device are up.
Since port-num was not specified (-p option), port 1 of device 1 will be
used as the local port.
-I- Discovering . 17 nodes (1 Switches & 16 CA-s) discovered.
-I- Bad Guids/LIDs Info
-I- No bad Guids were found
-I- Links With Logical State = INIT
-I- No bad Links (with logical state = INIT) were found
-I- PM Counters Info
-I- No illegal PM counters values were found
-I- Fabric Partitions Report (see ibdiagnet.pkey for a full hosts list)
-I- IPoIB Subnets Check
-I- Subnet: IPv4 PKey:0x7fff QKey:0x00000b1b MTU:2048Byte rate:10Gbps SL:0x00
-W- No members found for group
-I- Bad Links Info
-I- Errors have occurred on the following links
(for errors details, look in log file /tmp/ibdiagnet.log):
Link at the end of direct route '1,5'
-I- Stages Status Report:
STAGE Errors Warnings
Bad GUIDs/LIDs Check 0 0
Link State Active Check 0 0
Performance Counters Report 0 0
Partitions Check 0 0
IPoIB Subnets Check 0 1
Link Errors Check 0 0
Please see /tmp/ibdiagnet.log for complete log
-I- Done. Run time was 9 seconds.

3u Tools Port Status Error 1007

The warning “No members found for group” can safely be ignored.
In this example, a bad link was found: “Link at the end of direct route “1,5”.” '1,5' refers to the LID numbers associated with the individual ports. The following commands can be used to identify the LID numbers associated with each port:

Port Status At&t

cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/lid
pdsh –a /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/lid

This command generates a list of LIDs associated with nodes. In the output of the above command, locate the entries for 0x1 and 0x5. 0x1 is likely the head node. For errors of this type, reseat or replace the InfiniBand cable connecting the node corresponding to LID 0x5.
Finally, run ibdiagnet once more time to verify there are no errors, and then to check the error state of each port. Each test should pass.

Sprint Port Status

ibdiagnet –pc –c 1000